Hey, I'm Chantel

I help Entrepreneurs and Industry Experts Secure Corporate Deals.

When it comes to securing corporate deals, some people get denied because they don't have a professional brand. The same messaging used on social media may not be appropriate in a corporate setting. Corporations have their own set of rules, politics, and agendas and it's important to have your brand set up appropriately in order to secure corporate deals.

Working in Corporate America, I quickly learned how business is a different ball game than anywhere else. From corporate politics to the systems needed to run multi-million and billion-dollar companies, or even how to influence executive teams on why we are making a good business decision, has its own strategy and operating procedures.

Want to work together?

30 minute Strategy Session ($497)
1:1 Session to help provide clarity on business and income goals. We will go over the current state of your business and identify the future state of the company. We can talk through what systems and processes are needed to grow. Lastly, we will align those goals with the lifestyle you desire.

This session includes:

1 hour Strategy Session ($997)
1:1 Session to help provide clarity on business and income goals. We will go over the current state of your business and identify the future state of the company. We can talk through what systems and processes are needed to grow. Lastly, we will align those goals with the lifestyle you desire.

This session includes:

Coaching Program ($1,997)
This is a self-paced program, where each week we dive deeper into what's needed for each aspect of the Secure Corporate Deals Framework. The 4 step process to building your professional brand, determining your 4-5 figure offer, then creating your marketing and income strategy.

After this program you will be able to:

VIP Day: 6-hour Session ($2,497)
1:1 Work With You session to help outline your Corporate Deals leveraging the Framework. By the end of this session, you will have a strategy for your Brand, Offer, Marketing, and Income ready to go. This session is good for already established business owners or experts who are ready to package their knowledge and create a 4-5 figure corporate offer.

This session includes:


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