I Help Entrepreneurs Secure Deals To Achieve Their Business And Income Goals.

Meet Chantel Carter, MBA

Brand & Marketing Strategist. Business Consultant.
The Diversity Queen.

5 years ago, as a business strategist helping clients with their goals and launch, Chantel was approached by a corporate recruiter who watched her work for years and wanted to hire her to do what she did for her clients but for their corporation too.

Working in Corporate America, Chantel quickly learned how business is a different ball game than anywhere else. At first, she didn't like it but then again, she knew what she was learning was valuable. From corporate politics to the systems needed to run multi-million and billion-dollar companies, or even how to influence executive teams on why we are making a good business decision, has its own strategy and operating procedures.

Since then, Chantel has been a Global Consultant, reported to a CEO, and managed a $2.5 million budget. Throughout her career, she has advocated for diverse professionals and personally made 6 figures with growing offers daily. In her current role, she approves or denies business owners who are interested in landing a paid corporate deal.

After seeing her results, along with her clients, Chantel created a 4 step framework to Secure Corporate Deals. This process reveals what she learned working in this space to approve businesses and how she secured corporate deals to expand her business, The Diverse Group.

Chantel is excited to be able to help you achieve your business, career, and income goals.

Do you have ideas but unsure how to launch them? Do you have goals but are unable to achieve them? Are you overwhelmed with a bunch of tasks and not satisfied with the results? Let’s connect to align your business and income goals with the lifestyle you desire.


Cortney Harding

Founder, Friends With Holograms

Tamarsha Alexander

Founder, Alternative Holistic & Wellness Coach

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